
IST 195 Week5---Bits and Bytes

   Last week during the lecture, our class learned what’s bits and bytes, the difference between MP3 and WAV storage type, and how to get the MP3 from the storage type of WAV.
   In fact, I didn’t find it is a lecture that quite related to my doll project since my doll project is hardly related to sound effect or bits. The only thing that I find will be helpful for my project is the color depth part. So now I know the different image effects of various bit depths, and as the bit depth becomes bigger, the image will actually be more colorful and vivid. It reminds me to pay attention to the bit depth of the doll website when I am making it.
   Moreover, I learn names of different size amount, and by knowing that the amount of free storage space that I get with blog is around 3GB, it actually helps me to recognize the available free space that our doll website should provide to our customers. 

